
The Security Institute’s members are the core of what we do.

To find out more about what it entails and how to apply, read on.

What is Membership?

The Security Institute is a professional body which was established in 1999 to promote a clear understanding of security and professionalism in the business of security. Central to this vision is the objective of raising the profile of the security profession and those who practice in it, in the eyes of those who come into contact with it.

The Institute membership must hold the highest possible standards in both the public and private sectors. The Institute provides a powerful voice for security professionals and ensures that their needs are recognised by employers, HR professionals, the government and the wider security profession.

In line with these aims, the Institute welcomes applications for membership from professional security practitioners. We also welcome applications from individuals who may not meet the requirements for a professional membership grade but who are studying or simply have an active interest in the field of security and wish to take part in the Institute’s activities.

Please note: Membership applies to the individual not the organisation you represent. All applications are presented to and reviewed by the Institute’s Validation Board and grades of membership are allocated and granted by the Directors of the Institute.

The criteria for our various application routes are set out below.

If you’d like to discuss making an application then please contact [email protected] or call (+44) 02476 346464.

Benefits of Security Institute Membership

Becoming a member of The Security Institute comes with a whole host of benefits. To find out more, click here.

Institute Fellowship

Fellowship of the Security Institute is the highest grade awarded by the Board of Directors. It is reserved only for those individuals whose outstanding contributions to the field of security elevates them above and beyond their peers.

Fellows come from across all sectors of security and possess a wealth of knowledge and experience that cannot be rivalled.

To learn more about becoming a Fellow, click here.

Becoming a Member

We welcome members from all areas of security and all those who are seeking to make their way into the profession, and from all across the globe.

All new applications are looked after and prepared for review by the Validation Board by our Membership Registrar.

To become a member, please click the ‘Apply’ button at the top of the page, or, alternatively, email [email protected] with a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or call (+44) 02476 346464 to get started today.

Grades of Membership

Non-Professional Grades



Available to anyone studying on a recognised full or part-time course in a security related subject.

Application Fee:

Annual Subscription Fee:


Available to individuals who have an active interest in the field of security and who wish to take part in the Institute’s activities.

Application Fee:
£95 Required with application.

Annual Subscription Fee:
£125 Due once membership grade is confirmed.

Professional Grades

We offer 3 Professional Grades of membership:

  1. Associate (ASyI)
  2. Member (MSyI)
  3. Fellow (FSyI)
  • Applicants for Fellowship are required to have firstly held membership at Member level for a minimum of 2 years.
  • The grades of Associate and Member can be applied for via either our Fast-Track Route or our Standard Route depending on your experience and qualifications.

Option 1 - Professional Membership via Fast-Track Route

Our Fast-Track Route is available to applicants who meet the criteria for either our Associate or Member grades as set out below. Applications submitted via this route are not scored, only graded and as such they require a less detailed application.

Qualification: SyI Certificate or Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Security Management OR any ONE of the following relevant Level 5 (or above) qualifications. (i)
Academic / Vocational Qualifications:
  • Relevant University Qualification at L5 or above or international equivalent (minimum 120 credits)
  • Relevant RQF Level 5 Diploma or above (includes BTEC Diploma / NVQ)
Professional Certifications:
Professional Recognition Awards:
  • Relevant C&G Professional Recognition Award at L5 or above

No minimum requirement 

Application Fee:
£95 Required with application.

Annual Subscription Fee:
£145 Due once membership grade is confirmed.

Qualification: SyI Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Security Management OR any ONE of the following relevant Level 5 (or above) qualifications. (i)
Academic / Vocational Qualifications:
  • Relevant University Qualification at L5 or above or international equivalent (minimum 120 credits)
  • Relevant RQF Level 5 Diploma or above (includes BTEC Diploma/NVQ)
Professional Certifications:
  • CMI Management Diploma at L5 or above
Professional Recognition Awards:
  • Relevant C&G Professional Recognition Award at L5 or above

A minimum of 3 years middle/senior security management experience

Application Fee:
£95 Required with application.

Annual Subscription Fee:
£170 Due once membership grade is confirmed.

Chartered Security Professional (CSyP) 

For individuals who currently hold CSyP accreditation.

Chartered Cyber Security Professional (ChCSP)

For individuals who currently hold ChCSP accreditation.

Register of Security Engineers and Specialists (RSES)

For individuals who currently hold RSES accreditation.

Application Fee:

Annual Subscription Fee:
£170 Due once membership grade is confirmed.

Option 2 - Professional Membership via Standard Route

Our Standard Route is available to individuals seeking professional membership who either do not meet the Fast-Track criteria set out above or who would prefer to apply via this route. Applications are assessed against a Scoring Matrix which recognises and awards points for general security experience, security management experience, formal qualifications, security related training and professional commitment. The score achieved and minimum experience requirements determine the grade awarded.


Between 4 and 20 points 

A minimum of 3 years general security experience 

Application Fee:
£95 Required with application.

Annual Subscription Fee:
£145 Due once membership grade is confirmed.


Between 21 and 60 points 


A minimum of 5 years general security experience 


3 years middle/senior security management experience 

Application Fee:
£95 Required with application.

Annual Subscription Fee:
£170 Due once membership grade is confirmed.

Validation and Revalidation

In order to become a member of The Security Institute, you must first pass a rigorous validation process developed by a broad range of security professionals.

Similarly, in order to become revalidated to a different grade or reinstated as a lasped member, you must also pass the validation board.

For further details, read here.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are central to our efforts to foster knowledge sharing and thought leadership within the security community. They form the core of our organisation and play a crucial role in the contributions made by The Security Institute across government and industry.

The SIGs offer numerous opportunities for personal and professional development, benefiting all our members. We encourage you to get involved. Members can participate through our Community Platform (under the Communities tab) in the Members’ Area.

Alternatively, you can learn more about our SIGs here and decide if you wish to get involved.

Young Members Group

This group is dedicated to supporting young members (up to 35 years old). It aims to provide a space for young security professionals to network and learn within an environment where many have valuable shared experiences.

This group provides online and in-person networking opportunities, CPD Webinars and a place for open discussions including (but not limited to) a dedicated LinkedIn Group.

The Young Members Group is where young security professionals still finding their feet can get useful tools to grow into their desired careers, ask questions, and create important professional relationships with the wider community.

To become a member of the Young Members Group, please contact [email protected] or call (+44) 02476 346464.


For frequently asked questions, please click here.

Enquire now

The first step in our joining process is to submit your CV. This will be read to determine the appropriate joining route and you will then be sent an email with a link to the relevant application form.

  • Please upload your CV here